Fun For Free
8.5” x 5.5” x 3”
6 bubble bottles (2oz), 8.5” x 5.5” paper
In an attempt to make people instantly happy, I placed several colorful bubble bottles in public with invitation signs for anyone to use.
This work was an attempt to explore and validate my worth as an artist. I had the urge to create artworks that directly make my audience happy, which would make me feel worthy. I began this project questioning how people define happiness, what I can offer to others, and what it means for me as an artist to produce “worthy” artworks. I also examined humans’ collective needs to justify our existence through achievements and tangible contribution to society.
This work was an attempt to explore and validate my worth as an artist. I had the urge to create artworks that directly make my audience happy, which would make me feel worthy. I began this project questioning how people define happiness, what I can offer to others, and what it means for me as an artist to produce “worthy” artworks. I also examined humans’ collective needs to justify our existence through achievements and tangible contribution to society.
Installation View Video (3:06)