6ft x 6ft x12”
36” x 60” foam board, balloons (182 reds and 100 blues), darts (10 reds and 10 blues), tape, wooden dow

Red and blue balloons were attached on both sides of a foam board to create American flags. There were red and blue darts available for the audience to use. People with red darts were instructed to only pop blue balloons and people with blue darts were instructed to only target red balloons.
I wanted to emphasize the polarization of the two US political parties and how red and blue become a new moral binary that omits the nuances of gray areas existing in between. It is a game of power at the expense of the people.
In creating this work, I thought of Jasper John’s Three Flags and how it stirred up conversations about patriotism, the flag itself offers different contexts depending on who’s looking at it and when.

Intallation View

Installation View Video (0:30)
Warning: Balloon popping sound

Still from Installation View Video

Intallation View